
definite lets you create small finite state machines. These are great for tracking state, as well as triggering transition behavior when the states change.

The Most Basic Example

To start with, you’ll need to import the FSM class from definite, then subclass it.

We’ll define the tiniest fully-functional subclass we can, allowing just a start & end state. Beyond the subclassing FSM, the only requirements are defining the allowed_transitions and default_state attributes on the subclass.

from definite import FSM

class Tiny(FSM):
    allowed_transitions = {
        "start": ["end"],
        "end": None,
    default_state = "start"


You may be wondering why default_state is also required. A natural assumption would be that the first mentioned state in allowed_transitions would be the default.

Unfortunately, dictionary ordering is NOT guaranteed in Python. So even though the definition is code might look sorted, once it exists in-memory, there’s no guaranteed “first” key.

This could be solved in a variety of clever ways (special syntax, changing from a dict to a two-tuple structure, using collections.OrderedDict, etc.). But manually specifying it this way is clear, easy-to-read, & unsurprising/doesn’t require special knowledge. Hence, having to specify it.

Now you can instantiate the new Tiny class. Each instance starts in the provided default state of start.

>>> tiny = Tiny()
>>> tiny.current_state()

There are also a variety of methods for inspecting what the FSM can do, such as checking what states are available, if a given state is a recognized/valid state, and if a given state can be transitioned to.

>>> tiny.all_states()
["end", "start"]
>>> tiny.is_valid("start")
>>> tiny.is_valid("nopenopenope")
>>> tiny.is_allowed("end")

From there, we can trigger a state change by tell it to transition to the end state.

>>> tiny.transition_to("end")
>>> tiny.current_state()

Just two states isn’t very useful, so let’s move on to a more complex example.

More States/Transitions

Enforcing workflows are a great use of finite state machines, so let’s model a possible workflow for a small publisher. We’ll assume there are writers, editors, and an editor-in-chief.

  • Writers can only create drafts, then submit them for review.

  • Editors perform the review, then decide whether to send it back for changes (back to draft), to mark it as reviewed for the editor-in-chief to look at, or to reject the story.

  • Editor-in-chief looks at reviewed stories, then either publishes them or can reject them.

We can model all the states a news story could be in this:

from definite import FSM

class Workflow(FSM):
    allowed_transitions = {
        "draft": ["awaiting_review", "rejected"],
        "awaiting_review": ["draft", "reviewed", "rejected"],
        "reviewed": ["published", "rejected"],
        "published": None,
        "rejected": ["draft"],
    default_state = "draft"

Once this is defined, we can immediately start using it to guide what states our business logic.

>>> workflow = Workflow()
>>> workflow.current_state() # "draft"

>>> workflow.transition_to("awaiting_review")
>>> workflow.transition_to("reviewed")

>>> workflow.is_allowed("published") # True

# Invalid/disallowed transitions will throw an exception.
>>> workflow.current_state() # "reviewed"
# ...which can only go to "published" or "rejected", but...
>>> workflow.transition_to("awaiting_review")
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# ...
# workflow.TransitionNotAllowed: "reviewed" cannot transition to "awaiting_review"

Adding Transition Behavior

You can build your own logic around the FSMs anywhere, but definite also supports adding your own transition logic directly to the state machine, keeping the state & behavior together.

For instance, let’s say our previous example should send emails when a story is either waiting on review, or when it’s available for the editor-in-chief to publish.

We can expand on transition behavior by adding “handlers” to specific states. In definite, any method prefixed with handle_ followed by the desired state name will automatically be called when changing to that state.

So, to send emails when awaiting_review & reviewed are met, we’d implement the following handlers.

from email.message import EmailMessage
import smtplib

from definite import FSM

FROM_EMAIL = "no-reply@example.com"
EDITORS_EMAIL = "ed-staff@example.com"
CHIEF_EMAIL = "chief@example.com"

# To keep with the standard library theme, here's a very basic email-sending
# function. Probably not very production-friendly.
def send_mail(from_addr, to_addr, subject, message):
    msg = EmailMessage()
    msg["From"] = from_addr
    msg["To"] = to_addr
    msg["Subject"] = subject

    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')

# Here's our already-written FSM...
class Workflow(FSM):
    allowed_transitions = {
        "draft": ["awaiting_review", "rejected"],
        "awaiting_review": ["draft", "reviewed", "rejected"],
        "reviewed": ["published", "rejected"],
        "published": None,
        "rejected": ["draft"],
    default_state = "draft"

    # ...but here we add our new handlers!
    def handle_awaiting_review(self, state_name):
        msg = "There's a story awaiting review. Go log in & check it out!"
            "Story ready for review!",

    def handle_reviewed(self, state_name):
        msg = "There's a story ready for publishing. Please have a look!"
            "Story ready for publishing!",

These handlers (handle_awaiting_review & handle_reviewed) will automatically be called upon transition. For example:

>>> storyflow = Workflow()
# Some work happens, then...

>>> storyflow.transition_to("awaiting_review")
# During this transition, the ``handle_awaiting_review`` method gets called
# and the email is sent to the editors!

>>> workflow.transition_to("reviewed")
# And similarly with the editor-in-chief!

Using/Affecting External Objects

We’ve got better encapsulization, but there are a couple shortcomings of the last example.

  1. The emails don’t include any information about which story got changed.

  2. Because they’re stored in the database, we’re presumably having to manually

    manage the status of each story.

To improve on this, we’ll introduce two more concepts: the ability for a FSM to be specific to an external object, and the special handle_any transition handler.


For brevity, we’re going to omit that same email code in all the future examples. Assume it’s still defined, or that you’ve put it in its own module & are importing it.

First, external objects. By passing ANY Python object in during initialization, you can enable the FSM to use it during transition handlers. We’ll make a couple small tweaks to our existing handlers.

class Workflow(FSM):
    allowed_transitions = {
        "draft": ["awaiting_review", "rejected"],
        "awaiting_review": ["draft", "reviewed", "rejected"],
        "reviewed": ["published", "rejected"],
        "published": None,
        "rejected": ["draft"],
    default_state = "draft"

    def handle_awaiting_review(self, state_name):
        # Note that we're now using a format string & `self.obj` here!
        msg = f"'{self.obj.title}' is awaiting review. Go log in & check it out!"
            "Story ready for review!",

    def handle_reviewed(self, state_name):
        # Note that we're now using a format string & `self.obj` here!
        msg = f"'{self.obj.title}' is ready for publishing. Please have a look!"
            "Story ready for publishing!",

Then, when we go to use the workflow, we pass the news story to the constructor. The FSM will save a reference to it & exposes it as self.obj to the handlers.


For convenience, we’ll use a Django model here. But there’s nothing stopping you from using whatever else, like SQLAlchemy’s ORM, a Redis key/value, flat files, even built-in Python objects like dict!

>>> from news.models import NewsStory

>>> story = NewsStory.objects.create(
...     title="Hello, world!",
...     content="This is our very first story!",
...     author=some_writer,
...     state="draft",
... )

# We pass it in here via the `obj=...` kwarg!
>>> workflow = Workflow(obj=story)

# Now when we make the transition to the new state, the editors will get
# a customized email telling them the title of the story that's ready for
# review!
>>> storyflow.transition_to("awaiting_review")

Another improvement we can make is to persist the Workflow state in the database. So if a different server loads the story, the correct state will be preserved there. We’ll implement this using the handle_any method.

The special handle_any method fires on ANY/ALL state changes, making it easy to add behavior that should happen with any change of state.

class Workflow(FSM):
    allowed_transitions = {
        "draft": ["awaiting_review", "rejected"],
        "awaiting_review": ["draft", "reviewed", "rejected"],
        "reviewed": ["published", "rejected"],
        "published": None,
        "rejected": ["draft"],
    default_state = "draft"

    # Here's the new code!
    def handle_any(self, state_name):
        # The `state` field on the model isn't special, just a plain old
        # `CharField`. But we can push all the FSM's changes right onto it.
        self.obj.state = self.current_state()

    def handle_awaiting_review(self, state_name):
        # Same as before...

    def handle_reviewed(self, state_name):
        # Same as before...

Now when we work with the story, we’re also persisting the state to the DB.

# Same as before.
>>> from news.models import NewsStory
>>> story = NewsStory.objects.create(
...     title="Hello, world!",
...     content="This is our very first story!",
...     author=some_writer,
...     state="draft",
... )
>>> workflow = Workflow(obj=story)

# First, show that nothing has changed yet & no handlers have fired.
>>> story.state
>>> workflow.current_state()

# But now, when we trigger the transition, both the `handle_any` & the
# `handle_awaiting_review` will fire!
>>> storyflow.transition_to("awaiting_review")
# Email sent!

# Proof that `handle_any` fired!
>>> story.state

This is great for generic things like adding logging, persisting to long-term storage, or performing integrity checks.

The final change to make is that we can pass the story’s current state to the Workflow when creating it, making it so that no matter what server loads the story, the FSM is always in the matching state.

>>> from news.models import NewsStory
# We'll assume there's already some stories in the database.
>>> story = NewsStory.objects.get(title="Hello, world!")

# Here, we pass in the `initial_state` from the model, to synchronize the
# FSM to the correct state.
>>> workflow = Workflow(obj=story, initial_state=obj.state)

# Note that there's nothing special/magical about the `state` field name
# on the model. Hence the explicit use of `initial_state=...`.


We’ve learned how to define simple finite state machines, ones with complex state interactions, how to use the everyday parts of the API, and how to build in behaviors!

However, there’s more that can be done with definite:

  • You can store your states/transitions in external JSON files

  • You can implement logic that only happens on certain transitions

  • You can auto-create constants for your states

You can find examples of these within the Advanced Usage guide.

Alternatively, you can dive into the API references, such as the definite.fsm reference.
